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US-Licensed Medical Providers & Pharmacies
Tesamorelin 12mg Low Dose


Health & Wellness

Key Benefits:
Increases lean muscle mass and strength
Stimulates decreases in body fat

Tesamorelin 12mg

Subcutaneous injection

1 Month

Requires telehealth consult

Not available in AL, AR, CA, ID, KY, MS, MT, PR, SC or WV

Tesamorelin has been shown to help increase growth hormone levels which can lead to several health benefits such as decreased body fat, increased muscles mass, improved sleep and more.


Brent Agin MD

03/14/2024 2:40PM

Tesamorelin is a growth hormone releasing Hormone (GHRH) analog that has been shown to increase growth hormone (GH) and Insulin Like Growth Factor (IGF-1) levels. Tesamorelin is a small molecule consisting of a 44 amino acid sequence of human GHRH that stimulates the brain to produce growth hormone. Research has shown that this hormone helped to reduce the amount of fat in the belly of some HIV-positive people. Tesamorelin does not affect the fatty layer just under the skin (subcutaneous fat) in the face or other parts of the body.


Benefits of Increased Growth Hormone Levels

The increased volume of human growth hormone (hGH) produced by the pituitary gland causes an increase in the production of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) by the liver and results in several health benefits such as:

  • Decreased body fat

  • Increased muscle mass

  • Increased strength

  • Improved energy & strength

  • Improved quality of sleep

  • Helps combat insomnia

  • Increases physical and mental performance
  • Enhances calcium retention Bone density Improves

  • Improves immune function

  • Improves fat burning

  • Improves skin elasticity

  • Aids in connective tissue repair post injury

Tesamorelin is FDA approved in the form EGRIFTA for HIV-associated lipodystrophy. Tesamorelin is not FDA approved for use for any other conditions, but substantial information is available on its role in clinical observational trials.

Safety Information

Important Information:

Disclaimer: Compounded medications are customized pharmaceutical products and have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as safe and effective for the treatment of any medical condition. Compounded medications offered as an alternative to FDA approved medications and may contain FDA approved medications and non-FDA approved medications. *This product is not FDA approved and therefore outside of clinical use, but substantial information is available on its role in clinical observational trials.


Tesamorelin 12mg lyophilized (1 vial)


Tesamorelin is administered via subcutaneous injection.

Yes, Tesamorelin will need to be reconstituted (mixed) once you receive it. All supplies and instructions are included.